Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Health for Peasants

Ofcourse we peasants do not obtain the best doctors. For that matter we couldnt even afford the cheapest doctors. Us peasants contain certain diseases that are obviously harmful to our lifespan. It limits the time that we live. This is very sad to say the least. We have physical diseases as well as mental diseases. The mental diseases could deteriorate us just as well as the physical components can.

Us peasants become mentally ill by constantly being burdened by not knowing whats going to happen next. Not knowing whether our next meal will be fulfilled or whether the next night we will be sheltered. We all live in a struggle while the rich get richer and no hope for the poor. There was not a certain treatment for mental illness especially in our era. The doctors would have just treated us by secluding us into a prison or either a mental asylum with others of our characteristics.

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