Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Life of A Peasant

I live a life that is very rigorous and complicated to say the least. There is not any sure place to be sheltered none-the-less any sure meal. I live as I go by not knowing what will occur next. I feel as if this structure of government is everything but fair. Through the victorian era of 1837-1901 we as peasants were always looked upon as "indesirables". We did not receive any respect what-so-ever. All we were bound to do in this land were to waste space and ridden their land with blights.

A certain few of us individuals actually were given the privilege of having the simple necessities that we need in life. If us peasants do have a shelter it would most likely be burdened with many other peasants. Also the living conditions would be unbearable. In our age even the loyalty isn't blessed with the best hygiene, royaly only took baths once every month so that just gives you he imagery of what such bad living conditions we were forced to live in.

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